July - 2024

Meeting Bullets:
•  President Greg Powers rang the meeting to order at 6:31 pm and noted the previous meeting minutes were posted on the website.
•  Secretary Christine Ryan was absent but sent word of nothing new from her desk this month.
•  Treasurer Tom Wallace presented the Treasurer's report.
•  John Acton posts a Winlink exercise on the website every Tuesday.  See the home page under Weekly WINLINK Net for John's contact information if you are interested in participating.
•  Ken Bell reported that the club has ordered a new computer in the under $200 price range to replace the dying WINLINK hub.  Some other problems with the Internet connection there will hopefully be sorted out soon as well.
•  Greg Powers reported on some email he received regarding bad etiquette on the 147.090 repeater.  Greg reminded all of the general operating courtesies needed while on the EOC or any other repeater system and amateur radio in general.
•  Joel Emmett mentioned the Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program and changes to it in recent times.  You can check it out here: https://www.voacap.com/
•  Ken Bell gave a report/presentation on the 2024 Field Day with scores and photographs.  It has been posted for download here.
•  Joe McIntosh did a presentation on ham radio etiquette which extended the earlier comments from President Powers.  Very well done!

VE Testing and Other News:
VE Coordinator Joel Emmett reported that there were two upgrades to Extra during the July test session including our esteemed President Greg Powers.  Two applicants for Technician Class also passed their exams with one going on to pass General Class in the same session.  The other new Technician is a young man all of 11 years old!  Please see the home page for VE testing information and Joel's contact info.

Also on the VE front, Ron Thomas of the Westminster Village club reported that their next test session will be August 24th.  Ron's contact information can also be found on the home page.

I counted 27 in attendance including 3 visitors on this hot summer evening.  I am guessing the heat, threat of rain, and vacationing season trimmed our attendance a bit but it was still a lively turnout.  Ken's Field Day presentation (linked above) was excellent and includes some impressive numbers and great photographs.  In addition to that he showed a video of Joel making a CW contact via satellite.  I have posted that video to our site and you can watch it by clicking here.  Speaking of Joel ... How about that VE team licensing an eleven year old?!  Ham Radio along with Rock and Roll will never die.  You heard it here first!

There are a few of you that I still don't have email addresses for so if you see your name isn't listed on the Contact Us page dropdown list please fill out the contact update form.  Good things are happening at the club and our growth is a result of them.  I hope to see you all next month!

Please note:
The club's policy is to publish the last meeting minutes on the website well in advance of the next meeting.  This saves time at the meetings and gives members a chance to analyze and discuss any items at the meeting.  The minutes also include more details on club business than is possible in the Kerchunker.  Please go to the Meetings Page to view current and past meeting minutes.


Published monthly on the web at www.n4mz.com
copyright 2007 Baldwin County Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 491  -  Robertsdale, AL.  36567
Editor: Emery Wooten - KC5LIO