Welcome to the Baldwin County Amateur Radio Club on the web. On
these pages you will learn about who we are and what amateur
radio is all about. We serve all areas of expansive
Baldwin County Alabama. We provide severe weather reports
and shelter assistance to emergency management,
public service, and civil defense agencies. We also have a
lot of fun and reap a lot of enjoyment and education from our
hobby. Ham radio is a family oriented activity open to all
ages. We hope you enjoy our site and visit some of the
many amateur radio related links we have provided. Please
feel free to attend one of our meetings or drop us an email if
you are interested in starting a rewarding new hobby!
To All BCARC Members -
Click here to update your club contact information.
From President Greg
Powers - N4RAI:
The BCARC Christmas Party will be Thursday December
19th, 6:00pm at the Wolf Bay Lodge 20801 Miflin Rd,
Foley. The menu will be grilled chicken tenders, beef
medalians in mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, green
beans, dinner rolls, a dessert, tea and water. If you
were there last year you know the facility was very nice
and the food was excellent! The cost is $20 per person,
please pay at the meeting this week if possible so Tom
doesn't have to spend the entire evening writing out
receipts. We are limited to 50 diners, so please, only
one guest per member and we will need a head count the
first week of December. We will also have a couple of
nice door prizes.
Weekly WINLINK Net
Posted by: John Acton - K7ACT (WINLINK
net control)
WINLINK NET starts on Tuesdays when I post the new
for the week and ends on Mondays at noon. You can send
me your WINLINK check in message anytime from Tuesday
until the next Monday at 12:00 pm central time. To check in, send
the message via WINLINK to my address: k7act@winlink.org
Instructions for this week:
who needs help should please let me know via email:
K7ACT@yahoo.com or
Ham License
(All license
classes tested)
Due to current facility space
restrictions, preregistration for VEC testing events is
To preregister for a test please contact Joel Emmett - W2BJN using
the information below.
Saturdays in 2025: January 4th, March 1st, May 3rd, July
12th, September
13th, November 1st
(Download the full 2025 exam schedule by clicking here.)
The test sessions will start at
9:00 AM
The North Porch at Daphne Public Library
2607 US-98, Daphne, AL 36526
Click here for a map.
Price :
$15.00 (Please
bring exact change. If upgrading bring both your existing license
and a photocopy of your existing license.)
your exam:
The Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) no longer accepts
applicant Social Security Numbers (SSN) on license
applications. The SSN has been replaced by an FCC
Registration Number (FRN). To obtain your FRN, please
review and follow the instructions shown in the video at
print out a copy of your FRN and bring it to the exam
Newly licensed Hams receive a free
BCARC Club membership for a year. (Membership
Application Form)
More test info & to preregister for testing:
Joel Emmett-W2BJN at (716)
or click on his name to send him an email.
Other Ham License Testing in Baldwin County
The Amateur Radio Club of Westminster Village (AB4WV) VE team will be offering exams on
these dates:
Feb. 15, 2025
Apr. 19, 2025
Jun. 21, 2025
Aug. 23, 2025 (4th Saturday due to Huntsville Hamfest)
Oct. 18, 2025
These all fall on the third Saturday (unless noted) of those months and will be conducted
in the Jubilee Room of the Bayside Club at Westminster Village.
Testing will begin at 9:30 AM. If anyone is interested in testing at these sessions, please contact Ron Thomas - N4RT at phone number (850) 339-3004 or click his name to send an email.
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